School Elections Manager

The online tool making a difference

Created to help de-stress and simplify the School Board Elections process, the Schools Elections Manager makes it a breeze for schools to set up and manage their election. All in one online space, this tool encourages the whole community to get involved and stay informed.

Mother with child
Returning Officers
Can receive online nominations, approve candidates and publish election results, all in one dedicated election website.
Eligble stakeholders can submit their own nominations and track progress in real time.
Parents and Caregivers
Stay informed of key election dates, view election results as soon as they're published.

Go digital

with your school's Board of Trustee Elections

CES has been undertaking school board elections since 1992. Using our online tool, Returning Officers can manage the entire election process from beginning to end, ensuring that your school and community runs a stress-free Board of Trustees election.

User guides & help desk
A series of "how-to" guides to help you along the process, as well as a help desk you can submit your enquiries to.
Downloadable election documents
Election cover letter, nomination form, candidate statements, sample voting papers, election results documentation
Candidate profiles
Encourage candidates to submit their own nominations. Approve, edit and elect online candidates, and easily insert paper based nominations as they are received.
Present your new School Board
Publish your newly elected Board straight to your schools election website.

Contact us

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